June 3, 2024

Positions Available ($3-5K per month)

Can ‘certain’ job opportunities accelerate your business development growth FASTER than being out there on your own?

You’d think the answer was “No” in our current economy where the only sector that is growing is the temporary worker sector.

Think again.

In my opinion, a “job” can be a huge benefit to an entrepreneur in the making… but ONLY if you’re looking in the right places! (and developing yourself in the right ways)

For example, when Tony Robbins got his start he was actually employed by Jim Rohn, and that’s where he learned the ropes.

He later went on to start his own company to become one of the most successful personal development coaches – ever.

I think often times we (myself included) diss the job market because we perceive it as being a limitation for us – something that takes us further from our goal, rather than closer. If you’re not mindful to find the RIGHT opportunity, I think that’s the case most of the time.

However, if you seek out the RIGHT job opportunity… one that’s 100% aligned with your purpose, and that allows you to develop the necessary skill sets FASTER while you earn more money (without the stress of grinding it out on your own) to propel yourself forward, THIS can be a winning ticket.

When I look around at the Internet entrepreneur industry, I see A LOT of struggle.

So let me ask you a question … which path would you rather take?

Option 1.

Pursue a job with a mentor – or a company that is progressive and allows for you to develop your skills under their radar while they PAY YOU?

Option 2.

Learn alone and hopefully scrape forward – one expensive mistake at a time?

Option 1 is the “other” job market that can offer MORE than just full time pay, but also a fast track to skill development that can create the makings of a highly developed and successful Internet entrepreneur.

What do YOU think?

With THIS approach, can a “job” actually serve you in reaching your business goals FASTER?

You’re asking, “That sounds great, Eric. But how do I get started?”

Good question, I’ll tell you how.

It’s seven specific steps actually, and you’d better get started NOW.

1. Find out what topics people want and the way that they talk about them. Then identify the leaders, teams and organizations that are delivering value to those people.

2. Create great content on those topics. Use “their” language. Connect with those leaders, teams and organizations. Piggy back on what they’re doing.

3. Gently tweak your content so that Google knows what to do with it. i.e. repurpose to YouTube, G+, use keywords, use subheads, etc. Be omnipresent.

4. Grow authority. Be consistent in this effort. Yes! it does require hustle.

5. Build a strong, relevant social media network. Don’t just connect to leaders, teams and organizations, but also make yourself useful to the people they serve.

6. Write at other authoritative websites. That’s right… pitch your best work, and give it away to where it will have more leverage.

7. Cultivate real world relationships. i.e. live events, phone conversations, skype meet ups.

If those seven steps seem daunting, don’t worry. That’s the kind of stuff we’re teaching at Daily Marketing Coach. DMC for short. DMC is a training, mentoring and mastermind community designed to help all varieties of people move toward their personal and professional goals.

Learn more about DMC here now.

About Eric Walker

Eric is an 80/20 Marketing staff member and marketing collaborator. He spends his days writing content and copy for a marketing purpose. Eric is an optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together. If you have a question, and/or would like to communicate with Eric directly, email Eric@8020MarketingInc.com


  1. Those seven steps are it in a nutshell – that is for sure. Creating more content is my goal right now. Yes siree. Blessings, Amy

  2. Wow that’s what I love about being part of this Community, you are all sooo tuned to what is going on around all the time. I have being connecting and swapping information on Facebook groups – which by the way, is a strategy I learned inside the DMC with you Sir Eric – for a couple of months now and since then I have been offered to “share” my knowledge. I’ve actually been asked to work in a contract basis with an organization that helps people to develop and improve their businesses funded be the Government here in he UK. Cheers to you Eric.

  3. Cheers to all! Pl PhD

  4. I 100% agree with that post. I feel if you have the right job your skills can be increased and learning curve can absolutely be shortened. For example working in insurance has tremendously sharpened my communication and people skills which has translated to my MLM.
    Another Good Easy Strategy To Start is:
    1. Pick your product
    2. Find your target market (who wants your product?)
    3. What are their problems (Doe your product provide a solution?)
    4. Provide free valuable content or solutions to their problem
    5. Promote your content to rank in Google (Make sure the people who want your product or value can see it)

    Hope this helps!

  5. Wow Eric, this post is on the money. I had to bookmark this one to make sure I do each step correctly.

    @Esteban, I like your strategies, too!

    Eric, this gives me a lot to think about.

    Thank you!

  6. Solid Post Eric. Growing authority is very important if you are building an online business.

  7. Nicely done Eric.

    I often think that the jobs I have had gave me skills that I wouldn’t have had any other way to obtain. They weren’t marketing skills, but they did add to the “total package.”

    Even when you don’t have the “right job,” you can often help things to shift. Volunteering for the right projects, taking over the office newsletter and researching things that help you grow, asking to be on a committee that works with the marketing department, etc. Many jobs flex with the people who are in them. I know when I ran a large staff I was always looking for talent to move a task to when someone without the right talent was struggling.

    Thanks again,

  8. Dave Drimmie says:

    Phenomenal post Eric – and so true

    I particularly love point no 7 – cultivate real world relationships – as this is “timeless” wisdom. Often in the past I have been to quick to “sell my stuff” rather than give to the other person by asking questions, listening, then asking more questions so I fully understand their question

    Thank you Eric for YOUR wisdom sir….

  9. With a little effort, it is possible … after a year of writing, I’m at 1,500 USD a month. I can get it up so much higher though!

  10. Anybody can make it happen for themselves with a little hard work … great post!

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